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Meryl Weitz

December 2, 1954 – August 23, 2019

Memorial Service

11 AM

Groman Eden Mortuary
11500 Sepulveda Blvd
Mission Hills, CA 91345


Cathy Ho'olapa

My name is Cathy Hoolapa. Also known as Cathy Cathcart, CathyCart and The Cart.

For nearly 30 years, Meryl was my best friend. But she was more than that, not just to myself, but to all of us. Meryl was a teacher, teaching by example.

Just a few of the things she taught me…

  • She taught me how to ride on a subway in New York like a local (no eye contact)
  • The difference between good pizza and great pizza
  • How to play Triple Double Bonus Video Poker
  • And most important, the proper way to hang a spoon on one’s nose at Sunday dinner

But I think one of the most important lesson Meryl wanted to pass along was the need to connect with those that cross your path. To find a common link, to share a bit of kindness.

She did this in many ways. A joke and a “thank you” to a cashier at the supermarket, or a cocktail waitress at Caesar’s… And on an even deeper level with those that knew her over so many years.

The night Meryl left this world, some of us gathered together to share tears and memories. As I listened to everyone’s stories, I realized something.

Meryl had the ability to know exactly the type of friend you needed her to be, both in that moment, or over a lifetime.

She could tap into your soul and know just what part of it needed to be filled.

Because of this, her gift of friendship was individually tailored for each of us.

I saw time and again when Meryl was there for those she loved. To open her home and take them in when they were at a low point in their life… Being there where a loved one passed unexpectedly… Or just to listen when you needed to vent…

In a world where there is so much divisiveness, Meryl chose to live a life of inclusiveness. Looking for what unites us. To connect with the humanity within each of us.

I wanted to thank each of you that reached out to Meryl since she was first diagnosed with her cancer in January. Whether you were able to visit in person, by phone, email, or texts. Whether it was a message, a photo or a donation… I cannot begin to tell you how much these meant to her. Knowing how much you all loved her was your priceless gift to her.

One last thing Meryl taught many of us at the end, was the best way to hold hands. With fingers interlocked. Let’s all take a moment and do that with those around us, while I share this final thought.

I believe is that when we leave this life, part of our energy is left behind with our loved ones. And I believe that energy is infinite and boundless.

Meryl’s energy is in all of us, available whenever we need to tap into it. For advice, guidance, or just to talk. She is always with each of us.

Proof of that is that I made it through these past few minutes, despite my intense fear of public speaking. I know she is with me now, holding me up, steadying my nerves.

Meryl will always be with us. She is there any time we need her, to share good times and bad.

And what an amazing blessing that is.

Thank you

Cathy Ho’olapa